Like the Shulamite woman I am sure of my beloved’s desire and love towards me. I share the same sentiments of being “His.” I have been extended so much grace and mercy from my Beloved, my father God that it amazes me at times. Through all of my faults His love and desire is towards ME!
What does it mean to be “my Beloved’s?” Is it simply to be saved, or to serve in ministry? When I think of being “my beloved’s” it’s about allowing God to be Lord in every area of my life. This is even in the unspoken and secret areas of our lives. For example, is God your Lord in how you spend your money? Is He Lord over your time? Is He Lord over your gifts? Is He Lord in your relationships, or do you just allow Emotions to be your Lord?
I can speak honestly and say that I can stand to come up in all of these areas. If I say, “I am my beloved’s” then I need to be His in every area of life! This involves consistent checking with Holy Spirit to check my motives for doing certain things, and to make sure I remain in the will of God. Sometimes we can find ourselves in places we had no business being; and if we had only allowed God to truly be our beloved and sought Him first we could have avoided a potentially bad, uncomfortable, dangerous, or simply out of the will of God situation. In cases like these our desires have become our guide instead of our “Beloved” i.e. God, Holy Spirit.
The Shulamite woman’s statement, “I am my beloved’s, And his desire is toward me” sounds like a woman who is sure of where she is in her Beloved’s eyes. She knows that his desire is towards her and without a shadow of a doubt she is his. This type of relationship can only be developed with “intimacy.”
Merriam Webster Online defines intimacy as: 1belonging to or characterizing one's deepest nature: 2marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity
Applying this definition to your relationship with the Lord; your “Beloved” are you truly intimate with Him?
Have you had a very close and long association with your Beloved?
Are you familiar with His ways known to you through and by His word?
Do you engage in the discipline of Solitude and meditation of the Word to prepare yourself to receive Rhema word from Holy Spirit? Mark 1:35-[Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place ] Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
There is no substitute for this kind of intimacy. It is during these moments when my Beloved beckons me to make what I call “destiny decisions.” This is simply defined as
Intimacy with my Beloved is how I become inspired to write and create art. It’s how to receive comfort and peace. This is the type of intimacy that should be developed prior to entering any relationship, courtship, or marriage. This intimate relationship should be established before starting a ministry. How can you effectively pour to others, if you don’t allow your Beloved to consistently pour in?
We love God, but can we truly say we KNOW Him to the fullest extent that we can in our earthly bodies?...
To be continued…
Jennifer, I was browsing through the blogs and was truly inspired by your words. I went back through all of your entries and found out what a beautiful young lady you are (inside and out!) I hope that my soon-to-be available blog will speak to others as yours has to me. Thank you and continued blessings!
Amy Gutierrez
Thank you so much Amy!
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