Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dear Lord...

Dear Lord,

What is happening to me? I need clarity. I’m not just PMSing…I know it. This feeling I can’t shake it. Lately, I have been feeling my seasons shift. And not only that, I feel like what you have for me to do is even more than what I thought…

Lord, why is it that I cry just because I want people to know you? I want them to experience your love as I have. You have brought me out of the depths of hell…I am transparent but no one but you knows everything. I have watched you protect me, and have experienced your healing power. Nights when my phone didn’t ring, and loneliness tried to rear its ugly head; your spirit comforted me and held me. I have gotten to know you and there is still so much I don’t know. I’m excited about my relationship with you. How can people EVER say they are lonely if you are there? You are just waiting for them to abandon all idols of television, radio, and sometimes even fellowship just to be with you. In YOU there’s Joy, in YOU there’s peace. You died so we could have it…And it hurts me that so many people don’t see that, or refuse to receive it. I mean YOU died so our lives could be abundant. You want us to prosper even as our soul prospers.

Everyday, I see people unhappy. I see people settling. I see people worried about the economy. CHRISTIANS. I don’t get it. You supply our needs, we are ambassadors for you. But they can only realize that by spending that intimate quality time with you…That’s how they will receive joy unspeakable.

I find myself Lord praying for people a lot more. So many people are hurting, bitter, and some lying to themselves. There are people who have not released the molestations and rapes to you. There are people who have not released the abandonment to you. Lord use me to show your love to them! Use me for your glory! I receive your wisdom and insight in order to be your spokesperson in the earth realm of your everlasting love. I want to continue to decrease, so you can increase in me…

Whatever, this new level is Lord I’m ready if you say I am and I willingly receive all that comes with it….

In YOUR Service,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Men of God=Example

Part of their calling is to become the heads of families that will actively submit to Christ.
In today’s society, there aren’t many examples of this.
There are men who are intimidated by beautiful, successful, women. Then there are those men who just want to be taken care of by women, who are insecure, or those who see them as sexual objects, the list can go on…

However, (I know the men were like is she going to say anything good? Lol) there are some awesome men out here! Ladies, I know we have our rap sessions and many of us have had our waiting to exhale moments but do not lose hope! There are men who will love you as Christ loves the church, who will encourage you, never hurt you, pour into you and pull the very BEST out of you! There are men who will respect your purity and treat you as the daughters of Christ that you are. They are out here…a man who WILL recognize that YOU are WORTH THE WAIT! There are men who truly practice what they preach!

You may be saying, “Well how do you know this?” I have been blessed, honored, and humbled since the beginning of my walk to be exposed to men like this. These men are brothers in Christ. Some women are blessed to have fathers who have shown them what a man of God is supposed to resemble. But for those who did not have that Godly father figure, a brother in Christ can serve as an example of a Godly man. Without these Godly examples in our lives it seems as if women tend to settle. This because they have not been exposed to better and don’t know that it is possible.

Many women have not experienced a “pure” friendship with a man without it turning into something lustful. That’s why as a man of God, it is CRITICAL for you to walk in your role. Be a leader! Show your sisters and women of God that they are loved, and that they don’t have to settle. You all (men of God) make such a difference in the lives of women just by taking ownership of your role! This means you love as Christ loves, and you become the example of righteousness! Too often we see women leading the pack when it comes to faithfulness and complete obedience to the Word…When you (men) are called to be the head!

God has exposed me to some men who love God more than anything else in the world. Men who desire to take the lead role in the things of God for their families. He has exposed me to men who won’t allow me to touch a door or lift anything heavy. Men who operate in this highest standards of chivalry. Men who will encourage you and push you to do better. Men who will protect your purity and honor you.

These men help me not to sell myself short…Because of my past, these examples were extremely critical to me. There was a time because of what I’ve experienced where I have even feared men. That fear pushed me into lifestyle not of God. I once despised men. When I saw men I saw hurt, pain, or someone that would try to use me as an object of their desire. I did not see CHRIST. When I came into the body of Christ that fear did not go away overnight. Today, I praise God that fear is gone because of men who have been the example for me. I thank God for you…and I love you. Keep doing what you are doing brothers. Continue to bless women like me. :-)
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